Since the consumers have become more conscious about issues regarding environmental pollution, businesses are more focused on to incorporate eco-friendly processes and practices to ensure that their products are not harmful to nature. In the printing industry, when we talk about eco-friendly products, the discussion is not complete without the kraft paper. Kraft paper is the most used nature-friendly packaging material that offers durability and strength required to hold and carry packed items.
How Kraft Paper is made and what are its Qualities?
Kraft paper is a paper or paperboard that is produced in a kraft process where wood is converted into pulp with chemicals. Unlike other pulp processes where lignin is left which leads to weaker fiber, kraft process removes most of the lignin found in the wood. Low lignin makes sturdier paper. Low cost production and high tensile strength are the main characteristics of kraft paper but the list doesn’t here. Kraft paper possesses more qualities that other packaging material and some of them are listed below.
- Lightweight – kraft paper is very light weight but possesses more strength that other paper materials that’s why it is more used for shipping containers because its weight doesn’t add up in the shipping charges.
- Marketing– kraft paper takes well to printing hence the boxes/bags made with kraft paper become a key instrument in marketing and brand awareness.
- Eco-friendly – kraft paper is 100% recyclable and is the most nature friendly packaging material.
- Brand Image – the use of kraft paper for packaging requirements builds a nature loving image of a brand and potential clients appreciate the ecologically sentient attitude.
My Box Printing focuses on bringing on your brand’s vision to life through packaging materials and kraft paper boxes/bags is one way of our efforts to achieve branding goals of our clients. Our team has over two decades of collective experience to handle any issue that arises and make sure that you get your packaging right. Contact us today with your packaging requirements and we will offer the best possible solution at the lowest cost.